The Client List 2x1

'Till I Make It On My Own

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  • HQQ🥇LAT - 720HD
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  • VIP👑LAT - 720HD
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Riley and Kyle are mid confrontation and find themselves interrupted by local cop, Nathan. His presence is not a welcome one, but the purpose of his visit is for a reason that neither of them could have imagined. Evan and Riley's bond grows stronger in the wake of this conflict with Kyle. At the spa, Riley inherits a new client, Judge Overton aka "Mr. Louboutin," whose love for expensive shoes rivals her own. And Taylor makes some changes to the salon that will require Lacey and Linette to become more independent with their clients and their finances. Riley befriends the mother of one of Travis' classmates, who is a welcome relief amidst the gossiping moms in the wake of Kyle's return.
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40m 2013 10.621 lecturas

The Client List
Imagen LATLAT720HD
Imagen LATLAT1080HD
Imagen LATLAT1080HD
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
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